Dermatology / Allergology
Skin cancer pre- and postcare
Surgical procedures with local anaesthesia
Focus on Psoriasis
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Psoriasisarthritis
- Neurodermitis
- Ekzema
- Children skin disorders
- Infectious skin and nail disorders
- Rehab proceedings
- Permanent hair removal
- Spider veins and facial capillaries
- Benign skin lesions
- Grass and tree pollen allergies
- Food allergies
- Drug allergies
- Animal hair allergies
- Asthma
- Contact allergens
- House dust mite allergies
- Allergen immunotherapy
Qualifications :
Dr Jacob has been a resident dermatologist since 1996. Before that she was senior doctor at Nordseeklinik/Westerland/Department of dermatology.
Since 1998: Jobsharing with Ms Schultz.
Member of : Berufsverband Deutsche Dermatologen ( BVDDe. V.)
Ärzteverband Deutscher Allergologen ( ÄDA)
PSONET Berlin / Brandenburg
1. Psoriasis / Internal Therapy: 2023
2. Handyscope (iPhone and microscope): 2023
3. Lasertreatments: 2023